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          F lux

There isn't much to say about this app more than their official site can say.


Basically, f.lux tries to remove as much as possible of the blue wavelength from the light generated by your screen. By doing this, you mimick the natural light outside and so you reduce the chances of insomnia caused by staying too much in front of the screen: there are many studies that associate the blue wavelength light generated by our electronic screens and staying up late at night and missing sleep.


This is a highly used, up to date and professional app. It will fit in seamlessly with your Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone/ iPad. You just install it and (I have the Windows version) it appears in the taskbar, next to the clock.


All in all: small app, heath improving, easily integrates, highly intuitive, 100% worth getting.









As I mentioned in the "Portfolio" page: I own nothing from the "From the Web" section. Just like this one, these are all apps that are created, maintained and owned by someone else. I just found them extremely interesting and useful and decided to show them to you since they're in theme with this site's direction. I own nothing, have no right, claim nothing regarding these apps and/ or their owners. Contact them via the varios contact options they offer on their specific site.

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