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        Auto Typer


Coming from the same developer(s) that made the great Auto Clicker, we now have the Auto Typer. While the Auto Typer itself isn't exactly what you'd expect, it (and its "friends") will get the job done. First of all, Auto Typer is a minimalistic app that can be used to create interesting and complex keyboard shortcuts: shortcuts that involve pressing the keys Enter, Backspace, Caps Lock, etc.


But this doesn't quite cover what you'd expect from an Auto Typer. Don't worry, the dev(s) thought of everything and this app has 2 more apps next to it (same link) that cover the rest of the functionalities: Auto Talker and Auto Keyboard.


Auto Talker can be used to automate the sending of a sequence of texts that may even have time delays between them and can also be repeated.


Auto Keyboard can be used for automating the press of a single key for a number of consecutive times, with a specific delay between them.


All in all: bundle, minimalist, tailored to cover all needs.












As I mentioned in the "Portfolio" page: I own nothing from the "From the Web" section. Just like this one, these are all apps that are created, maintained and owned by someone else. I just found them extremely interesting and useful and decided to show them to you since they're in theme with this site's direction. I own nothing, have no right, claim nothing regarding these apps and/ or their owners. Contact them via the varios contact options they offer on their specific site.

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