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        Auto Clicker


Another developer like me had a great idea and decided to make an auto clicker. What makes this one shine is the fact that it's highly intuitive. The owner(s) seem to have a knack for guessing what people want, so this app offers EXACTLY what you'd expect from an automated mouse clicker: timers, position, sequence definition, delays, and many more!


Although this one is not completely free (it has a trial period), it's only 5$ and you also get the auto typer!


I will slowly search for a free alternative (or you can post a suggestion in the comments section) but for now this one shines the brightest.


All in all: small app, automate mouse click, very intuitive, highly customizable.












As I mentioned in the "Portfolio" page: I own nothing from the "From the Web" section. Just like this one, these are all apps that are created, maintained and owned by someone else. I just found them extremely interesting and useful and decided to show them to you since they're in theme with this site's direction. I own nothing, have no right, claim nothing regarding these apps and/ or their owners. Contact them via the varios contact options they offer on their specific site.

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